Monday, February 4, 2013

Music and Science Collide

Lots of people take music at face value; they treat it simply as something to entertain. But music can be so much more—it can touch our souls and lighten our hearts, it can lessen burdens and relax us. It can also be a powerful medium for sending a message—after all, music is often poetry that’s come to life through song.

Earlier this week, we caught a post on CBS News’ “The Feed” that once again proved just how powerful music can be. The post highlighted a music video directed by Adam Powell for Sivu’s “Better Man Than He.” The video takes a step back from the traditional superficiality found in many music videos and two leaps forward into progressivism.

Specifically, the video uses MRI scans and imagery to bring attention to children born with cleft lip and palate. The research done into improving the management of these children was done by St Bartholomew’s Hospital with funding from Barts and the London Charity and CLEFT.

CLEFT, a small London-based charity, “aims to research the unanswered problems in improving care for children born with cleft lip and palate… [by pushing] the boundaries of conventional treatment by funding research into improving operating techniques and by looking at the underlying reasons for cleft deformities.” It commits 75% of donated funds to research, with the other 25% going toward work overseas.

Powell explained what led him to create the video, saying, “I’ve just recently been obsessed with the idea of capturing images without conventional cameras/lenses—this seemed like a perfect opportunity to capture something somewhat unique and take a glimpse into an amazing & fascinating world.”

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