Friday, October 25, 2013

Independent Versus Major Record Labels

"I like to think that what we get from being on a record label is, number one, smart people. Everyone who works there is really cool and professional, and not druggy party people like so many people in the industry.” 
Brian Oblivion of Cults  

What Oblivion was discussing is an issue that almost everyone in the music industry has an opinion about: major versus indie record labels. In a somewhat controversial move, indie rock band Cults signed on with major corporate label Columbia when the group’s star began to rise. At this point, Oblivion had seen both sides of the industry; knowing that corporate labels don’t always give their smaller bands the most attention, signing with Columbia still seemed to be a more professional move for the musician.

Here are some of the basic differences between independent and major record labels, broken down in pros and cons:

Some independent record label pros include:
Artists get the rights to their music.
Close relationships are forged between producers, musicians, and label representatives.
Bands feel really advocated for by the label that signed them.

Some cons to signing with an indie label include:
There can often be a sense of disorganization.
A smaller label means fewer opportunities for the artist.
Smaller labels often have limited funds in which to support their bands.

Some major label pros:
Unlike indie labels, major labels often have an excessive amount of funds.
Size and reputation can take emerging bands really far in a discerning industry.
The connections bands can make within a major label are invaluable to their career.

Major record label cons include:
Bands must fight for attention, and a hierarchy is easily established.
Just because the label has funds, that doesn’t mean they’ll use them for lesser-known bands.
Major labels are corporate; they are a business. This can mean less of a personalized approach to producing music.

What do you think some of the major pros and cons are of indie and corporate record labels?

Image: cultscultscults via Instagram

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