Monday, December 17, 2012

5 Apps for Music Lovers

Many of us carry our music around with us these days. It’s on our phone or iPod, and we can access thousands of songs with the touch of a few buttons. There are a lot of apps to choose from if you have a smart phone, and unique benefits to each. Here are five of the best apps on the market right now:

1.     Spotify: This app lets you stream unlimited music, all while being able to share your music experience with other users through Facebook and Twitter. It makes listening social, something that’s great for those of us who like to share music we like with others. It’s free to stream to your desktop computer, but access to music offline and full access to mobile app capabilities will cost you $10 per month. Not bad for a music service that provides millions of tracks.
2.     Songza: The ultimate mood music app has arrived. Songza builds custom playlists based on your current mood or condition. It’s totally free, and there are no advertisements or limits to how much you listen.
3.     Garageband: This one’s for all the music mixers out there. You can also “play” various instruments and conduct a string orchestra. It’s also got some amazing educational value for those who want to learn to play an instrument. Available only for iOS and Mac OS X for $4.99 or free when you buy a Mac computer.
4.     Pandora: Hopefully you’ve heard of this one by now. It’s still one of the best. Choose an artist or style of music you like and it will create a custom station that is completely editable with the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. It will also remember all your stations for later listening—even from a different device. Free for up to 40 hours of listening per month (with minimal commercials), or you can upgrade to Pandora One for $36 per year for unlimited, commercial-free listening.
5.     iHeartRadio: This little beauty lets you both listen in on live radio stations all around the country and create your own station based on favorite artists. It’s also free.

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