Since Beyonce’s performance Monday at President Obama’s
Inauguration, the singer has faced some serious criticism for allegedly lip
synching. Though there hasn’t yet been any official word as to whether the
singer pre-recorded the performance, others have had a chance to weigh in on
the possibility—including
Jennifer Lopez and Aretha Franklin.
Franklin, the Queen of R-E-S-P-E-C-T, laughed the situation
off. When she got wind of Beyonce’s alleged lip synching, she said, “I really
laughed… I just really cracked up.”
“I thought it was funny because the weather down there was
about 46 or 44 degrees and for most singers that is just not good singing
weather,” she continued. “I thought it was really funny, but she did a
beautiful job with the pre-record… next time I’ll probably do the same.”
Jennifer Lopez was quick to come to Beyonce’s defense as
well, pointing out that such a performance could be especially
nerve-wracking—not to mention that the venue could have poor acoustics.
“Sometimes it happens, when you’re in certain stadiums and
in certain values and stuff, they do pre-record things because you’re going to
have that terrible slapback,” Lopez said. She admitted she was once invited to
sing at the White House as well, but had to turn the opportunity down.
She added that pre-recording is fairly common and “all
performers have to do it at some point.” Beyonce is certainly not the first to
do so for a major performance; Lopez points out that Whitney Houston herself
once pre-recorded her performance for the Super Bowl.